Join Us For An
Intimate In-Person Retreat
With The Stargate Community!
This event aired in June 30th - July 5th, 2024
A Week of High Vibe Energies
Surrounded by the jungle, the beach and the ocean, this event focuses on deep nourishment for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies - through Alcazar's channeled wisdom and guided meditations. Raise your vibration effortlessly, and elevate your life!
Sign Up For The
Livestream Here!
Why Different Prices?
The Stargate is here to change the world - with global awakening.
To make these experiences accessible to everyone, we are inviting you to select how much you wish to contribute. No matter your level of contribution, you'll still receive the same experiences as everyone else.
Please contribute generously, as you are directly empowering
The Stargate Experience to grow and evolve!
If you truly need a further discount please reach out to us at
[email protected]
Listen to Alcazar's channeling
about the revitalizing potential of this retreat

Body Renewal in the Blue Zone
Blue Zones are unique regions across the world with the healthiest, happiest, and longest-living people. One of the world’s longevity hotspots is the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica – where our retreat is located. Scientists and demographers have classified these longevity hotspots as having common healthy traits and life practices that result in higher-than-normal longevity.
Experience the Magic of Costa Rica
With The Stargate Experience...
This is what the participants of
this workshop shared with us ...
"My whole body feels much more in focus, my energy is much stronger."
"At one point, I felt repair in my digestive track being focused on. Part of my colon was removed in 2020. It was as if a heightened level of functioning was given to me as a new way for digesting life, and beyond food nourishment."
"So excited and grateful!!! The vitality that I feel in my beingness is how I felt in my 20's!! I was so excited to get in a quick bike ride in between sessions."
"This workshop was profound and inspirational. My meditations were deep and transforming. This will be life transforming. Thank you with all my love."
"Wauhh, what an amazing time together, all indented and more than expected has unfolded, thank you for all the precious gifts such as loving healing energies and new perspectives into a new joyful future that has just begun."
"A most delicious, emotionally nourishing week. I am changed, made new. Much heart-felt gratitude for this experience."
"This meditation was very relaxing with a sense of being held in the tender love of mother. I asked Quan Yin to come closer so I could feel her presence, and the energy expression changed. When the meditation focused on my head, I felt a stiffness at the lower back of my head that surfaced and slowly dissipated. Before the meditation ended, I felt a sharp pain in my left thumb at the joint nearest the nail. It also dissipated. These were releases of an emotional component of physical injuries from lifestyle events such as skiing and swimming. I remained relaxed and peaceful even after the meditation ended."
"It felt so deeply loving and caring. And I could feel my brains being 'massaged' and my pineal gland being 'polished' until it was shining a golden colour. And I got a really hot head, as if old pathways were being 'burned' away... I feel so deeply touched by all these energies and the ring of guides around me supporting me. So grateful!!!"