Join Us For A Three-Day Workshop at the Stargate Home
With Prageet, Julieanne & Viviane
Previously recorded on:
June 16th - 18th, 2023

"And so beloved ones, as you simply relax into this now moment, feel the effects on your consciousness, perhaps you can feel almost as if you are coming home to yourself."
- Alcazar
Join Us For the Livestream Experience
Choose Your Level of Contribution
It is our intention to share this wisdom with the world. In order to make these experiences more accessible to those countries and individuals who are financially challenged at the moment, we are creating an inexpensive option to purchase this program. Please take a moment to tune in and see the level at which you would like to support the Stargate work!
For those experiencing temporary financial difficulties
We are aware that the global situation is creating financial imbalances that may make it difficult for some to contribute.
The $11 one time payment option is for those who truly need a discount. Reach out to us at [email protected] if you require a further discount, as this series is available to everyone.

About The Stargate
The Stargate is available to those on a quest to know themselves.

The Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that anchors a higher dimensional consciousness, enabling multidimensional experiences for those who meditate with it.
Within the Stargate's high vibrational energy field, participants are empowered to actually feel and connect with the many enlightened guides and beings who are invited to join us.
On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your higher dimensional DNA. It is within your higher dimensional DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.
Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases allowing physical rebalancing, in other cases, mental and emotional relief. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.
About Your Guides

Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening. His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.

Julieanne joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world.

Viviane Chauvet is an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Arcturian Healing Arts 3-month program, advocate for planetary ascension, an emissary for the Federation of Light, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars LLC.  Viviane is the producer and co-host of the popular The Infinite Star Connections podcast. She featured in j3FILMS multi-award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book series “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” and “Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies” are on Amazon. She offers workshops and mediation series on YouTube and the Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) on Roku and Amazon Fire.Â
For more information on her services and ascension library, please visit Viviane’s website: