Help Anchor The Quantum Grid
These Maui retreats are the third and final anchoring of key locations for the new Quantum Generator Grid after the Costa Rica and Slovenia retreats. Once these three places have been energized and connected they will form a strong connection to Gaia and other inner earth civilizations. This will then make it possible for hundreds of Quantum Generators to go out around the world, which will have an incredibly powerful awakening force to assist the whole of humanity to navigate through the chaos into greater and greater levels of access to the wider Universe as hundreds of doorways to the Quantum Field open.
Your participation will strengthen this process...
"Your Island of Maui is the place where the Stargate was born. And so now we bring these two back to this location so that something new can be born."
- Alcazar
Listen to the Alcazar & Elohim Channeling here:
About your Guides

Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening. His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.

Julieanne joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world.

David became a professional theoretical physicist and mathematician, working in some of the words leading institutions. He spent time looking at fundamental theories of the makeup of the universe.
His academic research involved furthering the fields of super-string theory (a quantum theory of sub-atomic particles and multi-dimensional spaces) through to advanced concepts in electromagnetism.
He was always very intuitive in his younger years, but had his first aware awakening experience when he started to learn how to view remotely over 20 years ago. It was shortly after this that he connected consciously to his Guides and heart centered ET's, as well as channeling on an almost daily basis. From there his process of discovery and work began, and has culminated in some of the innovations available today including the ISEE innovations and the generators.

Viviane Chauvet is an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Arcturian Healing Arts 3-month program, advocate for planetary ascension, an emissary for the Federation of Light, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars LLC. Viviane is the producer and co-host of the popular The Infinite Star Connections podcast. She featured in j3FILMS multi-award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book series “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” and “Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies” are on Amazon. She offers workshops and mediation series on YouTube and the Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) on Roku and Amazon Fire.
For more information on her services and ascension library, please visit Viviane’s website:
Join Us For This Groundbreaking Livestream Experience!
These two livestreams work synergistically together.
David, the creator of the Quantum Generators will be joining us remotely for several of the sessions. In the second weeklong retreat, we will also be joined by Viviane Chauvet, an amazing Arcturian being who consciously embodied as a human to assist in humanity's awakening. We are really impressed by the work of both of these guests.
We've been told these retreats will elevate the Stargate work to a level never experienced before!
Choose your contribution level - each will give you access to BOTH the first and second Maui livestream retreat!
For those experiencing temporary financial difficulties
We are aware that the global situation is creating financial imbalances that may make it difficult for some to contribute.
The three monthly payments of $11 option is for those who truly need a discount. Reach out to us at [email protected] if you require a further discount, as this series is available to everyone.
Concession Price
Three Monthly Payments of $11 Includes Both 7-Day Retreat Livestreams!
Register Now!There is so much support from beyond the veil that is available to you if you ask and are open to receive it. Humanity as a whole is desiring a more beautiful, peaceful, loving way of living. And we are responding to you.
- Alcazar