The Global Stargate Gathering
"Together you can change your world."
Join Us For A 5-day Global Stargate Gathering
Broadcasting live from Bled, Slovenia
September 9th - 13th
Receiving the Template for Higher Consciousness
What this means for you personally
We will be bringing a new energy, your higher selves are already communing with this new energetic that has the potential of being brought down, touching into humanity, connecting to the grids of the Earth for the very first time.
This new energetic has the potential to open the faculties of your higher dimensional perceptions and the higher functioning of your body.
You were born with a certain template for your body’s functioning.
Within you you have the ability to feel self from the inside out in new ways, to astonish yourself with new capacities of perception...

The Global Impact
Group intention for love, peace, abundance.
You are changing the dynamics of the energy on your globe.
By coming together in love, in honoring each and every individual, to support everyone in living in peace, harmony and abundance, you start to change the energetic of the morphic field.
Your energy will come together and shift the vibration of the morphic field.
Listen and read the full Alcazar's message channeled by Prageet
Read the message here
The Personal Impact
From breakup into chaos, from chaos into renewal.
Realigning your ideas, your physicality, your experiences in the world to a higher perspective which is waiting for you.
Every one of you has an important energetic to contribute.
Thousands of people coming together around your world, it is a powerful impact.
These are vitally important times, you see it in your world. We invite you to be an agent of change. We invite you to take responsibility for your part in creating the new you and in doing so creating new societies around your world.
We invite you, be part of the creation of a beautiful new world.

Listen and read the full Alcazar's message channeled by Julieanne
Read the message here

We've been preparing this for 33 years.
“We have been preparing for this, not just for a few weeks or months but since the very time that Alcazar introduced himself to humanity, over thirty of your years ago. Understand that the Stargate work and the energetics of all those that combine together to create this global energetic, understand that this has been prepared for these moments right now.
These moments where your old lifestyle moves into chaos, from chaos into breakup and from breakup into a renewal."
- Alcazar
The Global Community Awaits You!
Simultaneous translation will be available for the Livestream in
Slovene, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Czech, Bulgarian
For Greek language translations will be available after the event
Translations Are Only Available Through Each Language's Registration Page.
Click Your Language To Register!
RENEWAL: The Stargate Gathering in Slovenia 2022
Please contribute at the level you are capable of supporting this work!
Why Different Prices?
It is our intention to share this wisdom with the world. In order to make these experiences more accessible to those countries and individuals who are financially challenged at the moment, we are creating an inexpensive option to purchase this program.
Your contribution empowers the Stargate team to grow and evolve, sharing these experiences with more people, on more platforms in more languages!
For those experiencing temporary financial difficulties
We are aware that the global situation is creating financial imbalances that may make it difficult for some to contribute.
The $11 price option (to the right) is for those who are truly in need of a discount.
Thousands of people around the world have experienced rapid personal transformation with the Stargate - will you join them?

I am feeling a new baseline of energy, of joy, of bliss, of trust, of celebration. It really seems to be the start of a new life.

I have had years of lack and worry just dissolving into calm and knowing all is well... I am connecting to the quantum field without having to intend to do so. It just is.

The ease and flow, joy and wonder of Life is increasing. The mystery and magic, excitement and general beyond the beyond feeling is alive in my veins. Wow.
About The Stargate Experience
The Stargate is available to those on a quest to know themselves
The Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that anchors a higher dimensional consciousness, enabling multidimensional experiences for those who meditate with it.
Within the Stargate's high vibrational energy field, participants are empowered to actually feel and connect with the many enlightened guides and beings who are invited to join us.
On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your higher dimensional DNA. It is within your higher dimensional DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.
Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases allowing physical rebalancing, in other cases, mental and emotional relief. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.
Who Is Guiding This Experience?
Julieanne and Prageet of The Stargate Experience are internationally known channels who work with their guide Alcazar and the Stargate to guide channeled energy experiences that enable participants to enter into meditative, expanded states of consciousness effortlessly.
What Can You Expect?
In this livestream event you will be invited into the Stargate's high vibrational energy fields where you will actually feel:
- Your awareness expanding into the Quantum Field where subtle energy becomes tangible
- Your guides, Ascended Masters and Star Families bringing their energy to you, magnetizing you into a higher frequency
- Your body re-aligning as every cell vibrates with the Quantum Field
- Your intuition and perception of higher dimensional skills and abilities being activated
Just by participating and setting the intention to receive, these transmissions raise your vibrational frequency, connect you with higher consciousness,.
Expect the unexpected, and be ready to have a direct Spiritual experience that can effortlessly transform your life and uplift your overall vibration!
Take responsibility for your own evolution
Choose to be part of the creation of a beautiful new world.
Sign up for the livestream now!