Initiation Into The Essence of Life
A 3-Day Series with Julieanne Conard & Michele Castro
Live Broadcast Schedule
November 19th - 21st (3 days)
3 hour-long sessions each day:
9:30am - 10:30am Pacific Time
11am - 12pm Pacific Time
12:30pm - 1:30pm Pacific Time

Everyone has access to the Essence of Life within their own divine blueprint.
This series will guide you into tapping into this Source energy. You will discover that you can amplify the Essence of Life within your own energy field at any time in order to:
• Bring balance to the physical body
• Dissolve discordant thought and behavior patterns
• Identify and release emotional energies that have been stuck in your cells
The Essence of Life creates an energy field that can assist with self-healing, self-soothing, youthing & rejuvenation, letting go into deep relaxation, and embodying a sense of wholeness.
This series will teach you how to radiate the Essence of Life energy - and people will feel it!
Get a taste of the energies...
Watch The Free Experiential Livestream!
Beloved Ones We Greet Thee, 'Tis Alcazar,
The Essence of Life flows from your very Beingness - your eternal nature. Because of this, the stream of energy that is known as this life essence reconnects your humanness to the eternal nature of your true Self.
This energetic of wholeness allows a deep level of letting go on all levels - mental, emotional, and even material, physical, cellular.
The part of Self that recognizes this energy relaxes within it - and like a hand that was grasped, closed tight - suddenly with the relaxation the opening, the transformation occurs. That which has been held dissolves - rejoins your total life force energy - and is available to take your levels of awareness to new heights.
- Alcazar
Greetings Divine Beauties,
The initiation into the Essence of Life Energies is a saying “yes” to the alchemical magic that we have practiced together before. This is initiating you into remembrance of your past masteries and yet, also in using these energies in new ways. In the ages of your past, we gathered in Sacred Temples, where you trained, where you served, where you devoted yourself to the Service of the Highest Order of Truth and Love.
This training continues, yet the Temple you are being asked to return to is your own physical body.
The energies of the Essence of Life are pristine and poignant and are available to begin to aid the very unfoldment of your true radiance, beauty, health, playfulness, and creative spirit as it was meant to be expressed. This is not to be confused with vanity or ‘the power over’ structure that uses youth and sexuality to control and manipulate humanity. This is the opportunity to infuse your being with the purest expression of Life Force energies.This is a birthing of your alchemical training into an embodied way of being.
This is initiation into the new stories, new timelines, new outcomes and new ways forward for humanity. Your Presence is my Blessing and my Blessing is for your sanctitude and grace.
- Isis
Awaken the Essence
of Life within you
Through transmissions your own Essence of Life energy will awaken more fully.
As you bring love and appreciation to yourself, the doorway opens for more of your Essence of Life energy to flow into the physical - flowing from Source through your Beingness.

Cultivate & Direct
the Flow of Essence
Focus the Essence energy into specific areas of the body in order to bring balance and release emotions. Amplify the Essence energy to allow the effects to move deeper.
A self-generated Essence 'cocoon' of energy creates an environment of deep relaxation, self-healing, self-love, a felt-sense of wholeness. The connection to your Beingness emerges within this Field.
Dissolve Discordant Patterns
With awareness, dissolve physical, mental, emotional, and energetic patterns as they arise.
Be empowered to use your own Essence of Life energy as a powerful self-balancing tool.

Sharing The Essence of Life
It's simple to radiate Essence of Life energy once you have mastered the ability to cultivate a strong Essence energy field.
Explore, and see what happens as you share this energy with friends and loved ones.
Participants Sharing Essence of Life Experiences...

Peace & Calm
I experienced the most peaceful and calming feeling. I actually felt like I had levitated off my couch because I could no longer feel it beneath me. I really appreciate how you share there is nothing to do……this allows me to relax and not try to do this with my mind.
-Chrissy, New Zealand

Just to say Thank You, as each meditation is a jewel for my soul. I could heal a painful contracture in my shoulder just doing the Essence self healing meditation. A week ago, I could radiate Essence to my sister with a painful bone problem and she is so much better...
- Viviana, Argentina

The Essence of Life is very special compared to other meditations. I find it very intimate, personal. It helps me to discover myself, to appreciate myself, to love myself. It takes me a moment to call it and feel it flowing around and inside me, with its waves that draw enchanted arabesques.
- Maria Luisa, Italy