There are two different livestreams that happened during the Global Stargate Gathering in Greece



The main event with Prageet & Julieanne. Creating a strong energetic of change.

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There were seven special presentations from our guests focusing on their particular gifts that they wish to share with you around the world.

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Experience The Energetics Of

The Global Stargate Gathering

As we gathered with thousands of people both in person and online, we created a powerful energetic of change. A shift in the timeline of humanity. It is time to awaken. It is time to be free. It is time to be more abundant on all levels.

Watch the replays to contribute your unique energy and to connect in to your own potential future. The new you is coming. Alcazar and the Guides are opening a new doorway. Let's walk through it together.

Choose Your Level of Contribution

To make these experiences more accessible, we are creating multiple price options for this six day event. Please take a moment to tune in and see the level at which you would like to support the Stargate work!


Get access to the main event replay with Prageet & Julieanne

Does not include Featured Speakers.

In person participants already have this included.



Get access to the main event replay with Prageet & Julieanne

Does not include Featured Speakers. 

In person participants already have this included.



Get access to the main event replay with Prageet & Julieanne

Does not include Featured Speakers. 

In person participants already have this included.


For those experiencing temporary financial difficulties

The $33 option is for those who truly need a discount. 

Reach out to us at [email protected] 
if you require a further discount, as this series is intended to be available to everyone.


Get access to the main event replay with Prageet & Julieanne

Does not include Featured Speakers.

In person participants already have this included.


Experience Our Unique

The Featured Speakers

So many incredible friends and presenters joined us in Greece to offer their skills to the Stargate family. 

Many of them are known by thousands around the world.

Viviane Chauvet, Robert Coxon, Siri Barker, Michele Castro, Joana Sousa Martins, Eugenia Alves, and the sound healers Verena Magdalena & Christian.

The all access pass gives you access to all the livestreams.

Alternatively, you can access only the featured speakers who call to you below... 


Get access to All Featured Speakers livestreams and in person events.  

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Galactic Awareness with the  Arcturian Light Codes

with Viviane Chauvet

Review of the Universal Time Matrix: 3D to 5D

Galactic Awareness for cellular remembrance of original form.

Opening of the sacrum: seat of the soul - Lyran energy and connection

Access to the Lyran Council Library: Original Human DNA Template

Solar light patterns in the DNA Strands - awakening of the galactic inheritance.

Raise of the true Earth human civilization - planetary emergence in history and genetic activation.

Arcturian Light Codes Transmission: illumination of the body energetic structures.


Get access to Viviane's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Connecting to the Spirits of Water

with Siri Barker

Let’s ride the cosmic tides together, creating a flow of balance for our planet, ourselves, and our ancestral lineages. 

Water - our ancient history, it is foretold that the great celestial ocean created the cosmos and our earth.

Here in Kos we can discover and connect to the Great Cosmic/Celestial Ocean. Water can contain and hold our emotions, our feelings and our thoughts. We have an opportunity together to bring divine peace through connecting and tapping into the Cosmic waters to support ourselves and our world through the chaos and uncertainty of our current times.

Water is our Blueprint for creation.

Let’s return to our Cosmic Heritage as we sit and experience the myths and legends of water beings within the Greek oceans and the Cosmic seas. Siri will call upon the Water Spirits and invite us all into an experience to remember and re-align.


Get access to Siri's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


The Legacy of the Secret and Mystical Groups

with Eugénia Alves


The Essenes are waiting to receive us!

As we come together as ONE family, time and space will merge and we will reunite with special groups of Secret Orders and Mystery Schools, who held the light and the way for humanity since the beginning of times.

They all knew that a time would come, when humanity would be ready to ascend to a much higher level of consciousness again and that they would return...

That time is now!

Are you ready to receive the Elixir of the Divine Love?


Get access to Eugénia's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Awaken to your Multidimensionality

with Joana Sousa Martins

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. Experience a multitude of energies that will allow your being to resonate with the frequency of different energies universe and open your human conscious to the multitude of your being.

Joana will bring many star families and consciences from the universe that allows you to connect on a deeper level to your true Self. A multidimensional experience that will spark your being to bring more of your light to your human experience.

A meditational experience where you will allow and feel your body respond easily to an ancient understanding and bring your energy in a special way. The true experience of the I AM.


Get access to Joana's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


The 5 Aspects of The New Human

with Robert Coxon


Immerse yourself into the flow of healing sound, energy and consciousness, as you integrate the 5 aspects to becoming the New Human.

What if the true Master is literally pulsating, breathing, living through you every moment of your life? What if you could establish a deep, sincere connection to that Higher Power hidden within yourself?

By connecting to the Master within you become Love, Peace, Happiness, Gratitude and Oneness, you open up to expressing your Sacred Self. Through this coherence, you are then able to step into the Divine synchronicity of the Universe where miracles happen.

Feel the profoundness of the music as you open up to your Symphony of life…

  • Experience the Infinite Power of Sound, Energy, Consciousness.
  • Connect with your Sacred Self, the Master Within.
  • Go beyond consciousness to experience the essence of life.
  • Become a Divine Expression of the 5 essential elements.

Join me at this amazing event in Koss, Greece... on site or online, where you’ll be shown powerful tools that unite the science of sound, energy and consciousness. I invite you on a journey to your true self, your true essence. 


Get access to Robert's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Isis and The Mystical Union of Heaven and Earth

with Michele Castro

Isis is the Universal Goddess. She is the Goddess of 10,000 names and revered all over the world. She is the Divine Mother and the Black Mother, and she holds the mysteries of the ancient Holy Rose Lineage. She is a great alchemist and she embodies the full spectrum of the Divine Feminine. Serving the evolution of humanity, along with the great pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, she awakens a remembrance to a time when we were in direct communion with these ancient ancestors.

As a spiritual midwife she moves us through the birthing process of unifying Heaven and Earth, the Embodiment of Spirit, and the balancing of Masculine and Feminine polarities in our lives and in the collective. She asks us to birth a new Mythos for humanity, as we pierce her veil and integrate the living breathing Isis within.

She offers us the alchemical tools to assist us fully awaken the Totality of our DIvinity and to move through the limitations and obstacles that obstruct us from harnessing the gifts of her Sacred Powers. As she serves Divine Cosmic Law and works co- creatively with us to restore balance and harmony, she ignites the Sacred Marriage within our hearts, our souls and in the cosmos.

In this session, Isis offers us an experience of her blessings of the Rose and a transmission to awaken your remembrance and connection to our ancient ancestors and the capacities and capabilities we were once in contact with.

She invites us to experience the frequencies and energies that align us with the mysteries of Isis and Thoth, anchoring a template for the mystical union of ‘heaven and earth’ within.

She offers us an activation of the ‘inner djed’ for an opportunity to experience our Sacred Powers for fortitude, regeneration and rejuvenation to assist you facing obstacles and the parts of the Self that are out of balance.


Get access to Michele's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Soundhealing Experience

with Verena and Chris

We will share about the benefits of Sound, followed by a deep dive into the Sound Experience! It’s one thing to read or talk about something, but to experience it in your own body and energetic fields is something totally different!

We will begin with a gentle breathing technique, followed by connecting with our voices through a simple and fun exercise. Afterwards we dive into the magical world of sound!

Verena Magdalena will sing for you & you will „bathe“ in the frequencies of Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums, the Harmonium and more.

These 90 Minutes will support the integration of the high energetics of the Stargate Gathering in a beautiful way.

We are honored to be of service through sound.

What are the benefits of sound healing? 

  • Reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, pain, insomnia
  • Increased quality of life
  • Activation of the vagus nerve & the parasympathetic nervous system (regeneration, recovery, digestion..)
  • Deep relaxation
  • Transition into alpha and theta brain waves (including access to the subconscious, deep meditation)
  • Expanded state of consciousness
  • Old blockages dissolve gently
  • Old Emotions can be freed and let go of effortlessly
  • Production & release of oxytocin (connectedness, security)
  • Cortisol levels drop (less stress!)
  • Access to more inner peace
  • Healing processes are stimulated

A few more advantages of our work:

  • The feeling of being at a private concert
  • A magical, mystical, fantastic world opens up
  • Energetic cleansing and re-charging
  • Chakra alignment and brain hemisphere balance
  • Broadening of perception


Get access to Verena's and Chris's event 

Does not include the main event livestream with Prageet & Julieanne.


Amazing energies aligned for our time in Greece together 

Alcazar guided us to step up onto a new timeline both for ourselves and the planet.