Blueprint For A New Humanity


APRIL 2019


The Global Stargate Event in Slovenia will be simultaneously translated into 8 languages!

Translations of this announcement page are available below.

Click on your language:

Π±ΡŠΠ»Π³Π°Ρ€ΡΠΊΠΈ, ΕλληνικΞ¬, Español - Mexico, Español - Argentina, Español -Uruguay, Italiano, Magyar, Português - Brasil, Português - Portugal, Pусский, SlovenšΔina

"We welcome you into this culmination of the Stargate work - because Beloved Ones, now, after this Slovenian event, a whole new phase of the Stargate work will begin."

-Alcazar, The Stargate's Guide

"Blueprint For A New Humanity"

A Global Stargate Gathering!

Supported by three large Stargate structures  

This 4-day event will be a co-creation with Robert Coxon and Lilly Wong


April 18th - 21st, 2019, 10:00am - 6:00pm each day 

Registration: 8:00am - 9:30am on the first day!


Obala 2, Portoroz


A Blueprint For A New Humanity


Register for the waiting list here and we will email you if/when space becomes available!


Jump 10 minutes in to the video to go directly to channelings Alcazar and The Angels of The Eloheim

LISTEN to Alcazar's Channeling 

We invite you to listen to what Alcazar has to say about this global Stargate gathering in this special place. For Alcazar's full channeling - click 'play' below

Can you imagine three Stargates down the center of this room? 

Can you see Robert Coxon playing music on the stage...

The chairs in a big oval around the three Stargates...

Can you see yourself here?


Group Organizers

There will be groups coming from many different countries, listed below. 

If you need translation (or if you would prefer to come in a group) please contact your country's organizer.  


ARGENTINA - Graciela Bermejo,
BULGARIA - Maria Illieva, [email protected]
BRAZIL - Gustavo Amorim, [email protected]
GREECE - Alegra Ergas, [email protected]
HUNGARY - Orsolya Palkó and Zsófia Percze, [email protected]
IRELAND - Amanda Diamond, [email protected]
ITALY - Luca Ferretti, [email protected]
MEXICO (Spanish) - Belinda Garcia Reyes, [email protected] 
PORTUGAL - Teresa Aguiar, [email protected]
RUSSIA - Natalia Arsenian, [email protected]
SLOVENIA - Sandra Lamut, [email protected]
THE NETHERLANDS - Ellen Langhout, [email protected]
UK - Jackie Sievey, [email protected]
URUGUAY (Spanish) - Silvia Di Landro, [email protected]

Do not sign up below if you require translation.

How To Get There & Where To Stay


In Portoroz, Slovenia

Grand Hotel Bernardin is located directly by the sea, between Portoroz and Piran.
It offers an excellent wellness center Paradise Spa with saunas and various massages and an indoor swimming pool with heated sea water.
All rooms have private balconies overlooking the Adriatic sea and a luxurious private beach.




About Prageet and Julieanne


Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening. His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us. 


Julieanne Conard joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. Originally intending to study alternative medicine, Julieanne is now dedicated to the pursuit of personal transformation and rapid self-healing through the high-vibrational frequencies of The Stargate Experience. With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world. 

About The Stargate Experience 


The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway, entrusted to and created by Prageet in 1989.

It is a conscious geometric form containing several layers of sacred geometry, which creates a strong, multi-dimensional energy field. This benevolent energy field works in a very unique way. Each individual in the Stargate's presence is recognized and assisted in the most appropriate way for them in the moment.

This can include healing and balance for the physical body; clarity of understanding and major insight for the mental body; and deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body. Personal karma can be removed, psychic and healing abilities can be activated, and past life recall can be triggered.

Many people experience their guides in a very tangible way, often for the first time, feeling, hearing or seeing them. What is amazing for most participants is that these changes can occur simply by being in the Stargate's energy field.

There is nothing to 'do'. All these changes come about during guided meditations by the raising of the individual's vibrational frequency. Dormant parts of the multi-dimensional DNA strands are stimulated into awakening, resulting in greater awareness and a growing spiritual presence within the Self.


Find Out More About The Stargate Experience Here!

What People Are Saying About The Stargate Experience:

"My personal journey with the Stargate since last year has meant much more to me than mere words are able to express. The transmissions and meditations has brought me so much peace and joy and I am really looking forward to expand into even greater peace, love and joy in the time ahead."


Co-creative Vision

“You are the lineage of the Masters. The two of you together have exponentially increased your effect on others. The music that you put forward Robert has a new impact on people. When Lilly puts her Light Language to the music, everything explodes, and the field itself starts to vibrate different. This is not something the planet has seen (before).”

~ Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll, June, 2016

About Robert Haig Coxon

For almost 30 years, Robert Coxon, world renowned composer and artist, has performed concerts around the world to catalyze healing and transformation. His music has been scientifically proven to heal certain ailments, and numerous concert participants have reported miraculous healings.

More about Robert click here

"We discover the profound healing that his work brings to our hearts... a healing that lingers long after the music ends. Whether you are a casual listener, or a professional healer, the music of Robert Coxon is an essential addition to the library of anyone on the Path."

~​Lee Carroll - The Kryon Series

About Lilly Wong

Creator of the Lilithgram©, Horusgram©, Dragonsgram© & the LL Soul Travel AgencyTM. She supports Visionaries around the world in getting in touch with the center of the Universe, allowing them to be more self-coherent, while steadily creating an Authentic Life.

What for? To maximize a change of consciousness and their impact in the world by being the best Next Generation of their iSelf.

More about Lilly click here

What is light language?

[Light Language] 

1. Divine Open Source Code that allows us to download and upload [i]information from the Universal Wide Web (UWW).

2. Realigns you to your Original Divine Blueprint. 3. It also strengthen your energy field inviting for more of you gifts, creativity and wisdom.

"Lilly is one of the most powerful lights I know. Her spiritual clarity and integrity are remarkable. She embodies the deep wisdom of the Goddess. The light codes she brings forth carry a high frequency much needed in these transitional times."

~ Michelle Karen, Quantum Astrologer

"This beautiful country, this small gem in the center of Europe is a very special place.
Energetically, it has a beautiful, natural vibration.
Together, the people of Slovenia hold a higher vibration than those countries around. They share the love, they share the concern with the world.  
We are bringing the Stargate to Slovenia to connect into the natural energetics of that country, and the natural energetics will assist also in the radiating of this vast energetic that will be created in this gathering.
And so, this will be a culmination of many many years of Stargate experiencing, bringing all the elements together into one place, into one time, amplifying this greatly by the channeled music, by the channeled energies in the music, created by this beautiful one, Robert Coxon.
Connecting to the beyond, connecting to the star families, not just with the Stargate, but also with the light language, with the energies of this beautiful one Lilly Wong, who’s connection to the beyond is subtle, powerful, beautiful, and transforming.
We invite you to join this global gathering.
We invite you to be part of this celebration of the Stargate Communities.
We welcome you into the culmination of the Stargate work, because Beloved Ones, now, after this Slovenian event, a whole new phase will begin.  
 We will be introducing the “Blueprint for a New Humanity.”  
Can you feel already the energy building?
Is it calling you? Come, be part of the new creation, the new energetic being introduced to your world."

Come, be part of the new creation, the new energetic being introduced to your world.


50% Complete

Two Step

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