Support the Stargate Experience!


Making the Stargate energies more available to the world

Assist in the expansion of the Stargate work!

Some of the projects you'll support are:

  • Translating Stargate wisdom and energy experiences into many languages
  • Creation of an continuous outpouring of Alcazar's meditations and channelings from the Stargate archive
  • Day to day operations of the Stargate Team
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Our Intention 


In 1989 Alcazar guided Prageet in creating the first physical Stargate here on Earth, and told him it would be a doorway to other dimensions. The intention and purpose of the Stargate is to assist in the acceleration of human consciousness. 
The intention of the Stargate Team is to bring through benevolent energies to enlighten the Global Stargate Community as together we combine our energies and intentions to create a whole new humanity.
You are part of this team no matter where you are located, for our energies join and amplify in the Quantum Field.  

About The Stargate


"The Stargate is a highly evolved consciousness which comes from beyond the veil.  It can anchor into a sacred geometrical structure, in fact it can anchor into an infinite number of them.  This structure, your Stargate is an accelerator of human consciousness if you choose to allow its energy and its support. 

Your Stargates were given to humanity when it was realized that you would reach the potential that actually occurred in your 2012.  What was that? It was the elevating of human consciousness to a certain level, a level where more of you desired to live in love and peace, equality and respect for others.  This vibration on your Earth enabled us to bring the Stargate to support the rapid evolution of humankind.

The consciousness is anchored by the very sacred geometrical forms held within your physical structure.  These physical structures connect around your world energetically, we call it a Stargate Grid. Whenever anyone is working with their Stargate, bringing in beautiful energies from the beyond, those energies are radiated by every single Stargate in that Stargate Grid System, benefiting all.  So, your physical Stargates are gently radiating energy at all times.

These energies support you in being more present and more available to the vastness that you are, that you have forgotten about.  The Stargate is here to assist you individually, and humanity as a whole, and the transformation of this your very Earth." 

- Alcazar, The Stargate's Guide 

Thank You

Assisting in the Stargate Project can take many forms - financially, energetically and beyond. We truly appreciate your unique contribution to this project, and we thank you joining us on this journey in consciousness.


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Happy New Year!