Summer Solstice-Eclipse 2020: Remember, Rebalance, Realign
Jun 19, 2020
Stargate Solstice Alignment
The Solstice and Eclipse happening on Saturday, June 20th, 2020 will be a particularly powerful window in which we can consciously set intentions.
To guide us in creating aligned intentions, astrologer Linda Kubota Byrd has generously shared her insights into the energy of this unusual, amazing astrological event...
On the Solstice Jules and Linda are guiding a free livestream experience...
This Cancer Solstice-Eclipse is a rare and precious opportunity to set new revised intentions.
With 5 planets retrograde we are being supported to remember, not just who we really are, but remember our past and what we can reconsider, reframe and release. It is time to rebalance our divine feminine and masculine, to move out of the mindset of “shoulds” and create from our hearts. The veil is thin and we have help from beyond to realign with our higher selves. We are being guided to listen to our inner knowing, to receive the celestial downloads and reconnect with our soul's intentions from there.
Pause to Reset
Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter dancing together all year long.
Saturn: structure, responsibilities, commitments, limits, delay, law and order, society, fear, finality, mortality.
Pluto: life and death, major social issues, taboos, non-negotiable, irreversible change, extreme fear, losing control, power, authority.
Jupiter: Expands, exaggerates whatever it is near
Saturn and Pluto together is about coming into your own personal power:
Demolition and reconstruction of old patterns of behavior
Self control and self mastery - where can I improve myself
Transformation of the self may ultimately lead to how can I serve
Saturn: structure, responsibilities, commitments, limits, delay, law and order, society, fear, finality, mortality.
Pluto: life and death, major social issues, taboos, non-negotiable, irreversible change, extreme fear, losing control, power, authority.
Jupiter: Expands, exaggerates whatever it is near
Saturn and Pluto together is about coming into your own personal power:
Demolition and reconstruction of old patterns of behavior
Self control and self mastery - where can I improve myself
Transformation of the self may ultimately lead to how can I serve
When planets are retrograde they give you an opportunity to review, reflect, reassess, reconsider, rebalance, revise, rebalance, reframe, etc.
5 Planets retrograde during this Eclipse with Neptune about to join the crowd.
The retrograde planets are: Mercury (Communication, how you think), Venus (Your values, how you love), Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and soon Neptune (at the highest octave, spirit and unconditional love at the lower vibration, chaos, confusion, illusion or delusion).
It is highly unusual to have almost 6 planets retrograde during an eclipse, so this year we have extra support for consciously reviewing and reprioritizing our lives. It is also unusual to have the Solstice and Eclipse on the same day, so we have support for pondering what we want to reframe from the past, so we ride the wave of change with a conscious intention.
Sometimes an approach to setting intentions is working backwards - First imagine how you will feel when you get what you want and picture what is happening that gives you that feeling.
One technique that can help you get to this ultimate intention is using an NLP process - When you think of something you want - Ask yourself, what would that get me? Keep doing that over and over until you get to the crux of what you actually want.
An example would be someone saying they wanted to lose weight. When asked, what would that get you? They might say, that may get me a date? When asked what would that get you? They might say, it may help me find a husband. And what would that get you? Safety, security and a sense of feeling loved? Once you get to the ultimate goal, then you can consider other ways where that person could get to that intention from other means, and it helps you realize that getting married, might not be what you really want.
This eclipse is happening at the zero degree of Cancer, also called the World Axis point, a time for a new beginning. Cancer is about home, family, security, ancestors, etc. and it is in a challenging relationship with Saturn in Aquarius, the sign of humanity, causes and rebellion. This is the last eclipse involving Cancer and Capricorn for 19 years, so something you may want to consider when setting intentions is around family, but not just your biological family, but what is your impact on the family of man. It starts with exploring our personal emotional needs and care for our inner child and expanding out to how can you make a difference.
It is highly unusual to have almost 6 planets retrograde during an eclipse, so this year we have extra support for consciously reviewing and reprioritizing our lives. It is also unusual to have the Solstice and Eclipse on the same day, so we have support for pondering what we want to reframe from the past, so we ride the wave of change with a conscious intention.
Sometimes an approach to setting intentions is working backwards - First imagine how you will feel when you get what you want and picture what is happening that gives you that feeling.
One technique that can help you get to this ultimate intention is using an NLP process - When you think of something you want - Ask yourself, what would that get me? Keep doing that over and over until you get to the crux of what you actually want.
An example would be someone saying they wanted to lose weight. When asked, what would that get you? They might say, that may get me a date? When asked what would that get you? They might say, it may help me find a husband. And what would that get you? Safety, security and a sense of feeling loved? Once you get to the ultimate goal, then you can consider other ways where that person could get to that intention from other means, and it helps you realize that getting married, might not be what you really want.
This eclipse is happening at the zero degree of Cancer, also called the World Axis point, a time for a new beginning. Cancer is about home, family, security, ancestors, etc. and it is in a challenging relationship with Saturn in Aquarius, the sign of humanity, causes and rebellion. This is the last eclipse involving Cancer and Capricorn for 19 years, so something you may want to consider when setting intentions is around family, but not just your biological family, but what is your impact on the family of man. It starts with exploring our personal emotional needs and care for our inner child and expanding out to how can you make a difference.
Cancer is about looking back into the past and with so many other planets retrograde, this is an opportunity to reconsider your childhood from a higher perspective. An eclipse brings things out of the shadows so you can ask yourself, how did your upbringing serve you? It is time to let go of the lower vibration of victim energy and to move forward with your personal new vision from a higher frequency.
There are too many planetary alignments to list here, but these are the major ones that can help you consciously set your intentions. Mars is with Neptune - Mars the warrior and Neptune the Spiritual advisor - giving you counsel from Spirit and fuel to help launch what you envision for your brighter future.
“When the ego weeps for what it has lost… The soul rejoices for what it has found.” Zen Proverb
*If you know your astrological chart, look to where Capricorn and Cancer are, as these will be the “houses”or areas of life where these changes are specifically playing out for you. You can go to to get your chart for free.
In July, Linda Kubota Byrd will be doing New and Full Moon presentations for Astrology Hub, starting on July 17 along with a Masterclass, "Bringing Your Chart to Life" - which will be an introduction to astrology.
You can discover more here:
“When the ego weeps for what it has lost… The soul rejoices for what it has found.” Zen Proverb
*If you know your astrological chart, look to where Capricorn and Cancer are, as these will be the “houses”or areas of life where these changes are specifically playing out for you. You can go to to get your chart for free.
In July, Linda Kubota Byrd will be doing New and Full Moon presentations for Astrology Hub, starting on July 17 along with a Masterclass, "Bringing Your Chart to Life" - which will be an introduction to astrology.
You can discover more here: