Experience The Livestream!
Experience The Livestream!

Experience these energies with us...

Feel the difference it makes being in person with the Stargate
Bathe in the Stargate's high vibrational energy fields
Experience more
of your full potential

Are you feeling a deep inner calling

to elevate your consciousness and 
shift into a new empowered version of yourself?


We invite you to join us for Accelerated Ascension, a 4-day personal transformation journey, hosted by world renowned channels,
Asil Toksal of Evolution One, and Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard
of the Stargate Experience.

You may feel called and
are resonating to be a part
of this work if…

You’ve always felt there is more within your being waiting to be activated.

You recognize the greater transformational potential of this time.

You notice that you and your relationships are changing dramatically.

You have felt that your perception of reality is expanding
and you would like to strengthen a new perspective.

You have noticed the strong waves of change and want to
establish a stronger core within your being.

As a result of your inner work you want to be a strong positive presence in your relationships and within humanity.

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We invite you to join us in this 4 day experience and change your life!

Experience The Livestream!

Connect with your inner mastery
and remember who you truly are


Over the course of 4 days, you will join thousands of others around the world in a high vibrational energetic field in which great transformation can happen, so that you can step into the greatest version of yourself and experience the vast potential you hold within.

Together, in collaboration with one another and the sacred geometric structure known as the Stargate, Asil, Prageet, and Julieanne’s channeled energies become amplified and reach everyone intending to receive, wherever they are, as these energies transcend space and time. 

Empower your life in these changing and shifting times, enhance your sense of aliveness, and accelerate your awakening so that you can start to experience more and more of that which you truly are. 

Broadcast from Portoroz in Slovenia, you will receive gentle support to activate your Ascension Templates, and deepen and build upon previous templates received, allowing you to bring the fullness of your spiritual being here and become a powerful creator of your own reality. 

Accelerated Ascension III

Sign Up For The
Livestream Here!

Why Different Prices? 


The Stargate and Evolution One are here to change the world - with global awakening.

To make these experiences accessible to everyone, we are inviting you to select how much you wish to contribute.  No matter your level of contribution, you'll still receive the same experiences as everyone else. 

Please contribute generously, as you are directly empowering us to grow and evolve! 



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Above & Beyond!


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If you truly need a further discount please reach out to us at 
[email protected]

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About Your Guides

Asil Toksal


Asil leads Evolution One, a nonprofit and global educational community serving as Pillars of Light and Earth Keepers.

Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher sources of consciousness, most notably the Elohim, who are assisting in pivotal shifts in humanity’s evolution. He holds online and in-person sessions and also energetically aligns with sacred sites, supporting Earth’s role in our evolutionary path. 

Prageet Harris


Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening.

His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.

Julieanne Conard


Julieanne joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. 

With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world.

About Asil and Evolution One

Evolution One's mission is to empower, inspire and uplift

individuals towards their highest potential by creating transformational experiences that catalyze and accelerate personal evolution.

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The transmissions delivered through Asil from higher sources of consciousness can clear and purify existing and unnecessary blocks that exist within you. Simply by opening yourself to receive the energy and the accompanying adjustments offered with each transmission, you will begin to clear these blockages, realigning your being, and opening you to receive higher frequencies of energy to support your transformation.

Workshops and Courses

Asil and Evolution One deliver workshops and spiritual and energetic training courses to create an inner alignment to support your external reality.

Sacred Earth Expeditions

Asil and the Sacred Earth Team have led many expeditions to the most sacred places around the world, activating sites of energetic significance, in support of the Earth's energetic grid.

How The Stargate Energies Work

The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway that emits a powerful high vibrational energy field...

Enabling you to move into deep meditation simply and easily in a matter of moments.

The Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that anchors a higher dimensional consciousness, enabling multidimensional experiences for those who meditate with it. Within the Stargate's high vibrational energy field, participants are empowered to actually feel and connect with the many enlightened guides and beings who are invited to join us. 

On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your higher dimensional DNA. It is within your higher dimensional DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.

Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases allowing physical rebalancing, in other cases, mental and emotional relief. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.

The Stargate is an anchor for a
higher dimensional consciousness.

It uses the power of sacred geometry to broadcast the energetics of higher realms & the guides.

This is a totally new way of evolving your consciousness.

There’s nothing to do, just relax into the high vibrational energy fields and allow your Superconsciousness to elevate your human experience.

These energies dissolve the habits and patterns that are no longer serving you.

This happens effortlessly as you are connected to a far greater sense of self, universal energies, and your own innate wisdom.

The Stargate emits frequencies that are attuned to you individually.

This process is always guided by your own Superconscious or Higher Self, so the frequencies you are receiving are individualized, uniquely for you.

Feel the energies of our Global Gathering in Portoroz, Slovenia 2019...

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Collaborations between Evolution One and Stargate have elicited incredible feedback over the years. From novice meditators to advanced practitioners, people have shared undeniable and truly transformational experiences. 

Read below what Accelerate Ascension III participants shared with us...

"Infinite Love and gratitude from my heart to yours. I have been crying and crying as I feel such a deep soul recognition. I feel so aligned with your work as I feel like your energy is a part of mine. It is a lot for the human mind to comprehend. So much love and wisdom was shared in all of the transmissions. I especially love the candidness and giddiness of the three of you. Fun and light! Infinite gratitude and appreciation to ALL who participated making this event so POWERFUL!"


"Words fall short for this thoroughly enJOYable & deLIGHTful experience! Sending everyONE so much LOVE and deep deep gratitude for all that was shared. I love it when The Stargate gets together with Evolution One. Bless you all xoxoxo"

Mary Josephine

"Pure bliss!! Infinite gratitude and love to Alcazar, The Stargate Consciousness, Prageet, Julieanne, Asil, the Elohim, angels, ascended masters, star nations, Mother Earth, nature spirits, dragons, unicorns, whales, dolphins, trees, stargate experience team and stargate community for this supportive, loving, ascension container and the guidance that enables us to tap into and expand our unlimited divine potential in support of all sentient life!!!!"


"Wow, that was profound! I dropped immediately into the inner silence. Awakening to oneness prepared me deeply. And now the transmission from the Elohim was amazing. Waves of energies showerd my whole beingness. Feeling aligned connected from my heart and in inner stillness and silence."


Join us in this amazing opportunity
to accelerate your ascension!

Experience The Livestream!