Experience this free livestream!

Teachings and channelled information about Lemuria

Stargate meditations you can actually feel

Are you a Lemurian? Find out how to know.
Learn about ancient Lemuria, then have an actual experience
In this free livestream
we will explore...
What is Lemuria?
What is the 24th Chromosome?
What is the Task of the New Lemurian?
Experience The Stargate Energies
The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway that emits a powerful high vibrational energy field...
Enabling you to move into deep meditation simply and easily in a matter of moments.

The Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that anchors a higher dimensional consciousness, enabling multidimensional experiences for those who meditate with it. Within the Stargate's high vibrational energy field, participants are empowered to actually feel and connect with the many enlightened guides and beings who are invited to join us.
On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your higher dimensional DNA. It is within your higher dimensional DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.
Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases allowing physical rebalancing, in other cases, mental and emotional relief. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.

The Stargate is an anchor for a
higher dimensional consciousness.
It uses the power of sacred geometry to broadcast the energetics of higher realms & the guides.
This is a totally new way of evolving your consciousness.
There’s nothing to do, just relax into the high vibrational energy fields and allow your Superconsciousness to elevate your human experience.

These energies dissolve the habits and patterns that are no longer serving you.
This happens effortlessly as you are connected to a far greater sense of self, universal energies, and your own innate wisdom.
The Stargate emits frequencies that are attuned to you individually.
This process is always guided by your own Superconscious or Higher Self, so the frequencies you are receiving are individualized, uniquely for you.

The Stargate and Kryon work together to bring messages and energies from Spirit
Kryon and the Stargate have worked together around the world
Together Prageet, Julieanne, Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi have visited many countries over the past 10 years, sharing their work and developing a strong connection and friendship.

Alcazar and Kryon's messages align beautifully
To bring you energetic transmissions that help you to actually experience and embody the wisdom from the Beyond.
This workshop will be livestreamed from Mount Shasta
One of the "Pleiadian time capsules" that Kryon has talked about exists within the mountain here, amplifying the energies of the experiences that will be shared.
Meet Your Guides

Kryon, Lee Caroll, Monika Muranyi
Kryon - the Magnetic Master is often described as a loving angelic entity, who shares messages of peace and empowerment with humanity.
Lee Carroll is the "original channel" for Kryon who has been sharing messages of love and light with the world since 1989.
Together with his partner, Monika Muranyi, they continue to share Kryon's messages through original weekly programs, books, and courses.

Prageet Harris
Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening.
His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.

Julieanne Conard
Julieanne joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels.
With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world.
What will YOU experience?
This is what participants shared after the event All About Lemuria...
"The frequencies surged through me. I felt as if I was levitating and being held in waves of love! Diamonds and stars were swirling around in my inner vision."
"That was beautiful and powerful. Warmth, heat at times, vibration energy and a loving sense of remembrance."
"I feel strong vibrations around the heart center and eyes, visible pulsing of purple and yellow. Still reverberating. Thanks for the love bath."
"I could stay in this energy forever! So deeply grateful. Tears of joy connecting to my star families."
"I felt embraced by the star families, actually like a warm blanket around me."
"Such deep deep peace! Didn’t want to come back!"
"I cried deeply. Finally feeling at home and understood. So grateful!"
"WOW! One of the best experiential vibrational experiences I have had starting at the 7th dimentional level. Many physical vibrations and jerks and slow wavelike feelings, immediate shivers and tears at times. Felt fully connected or reconnected."
"Thank you so much. I felt so close to my Star Families. I felt their presence, Love and vibration that made me weep. My immense Gratitude for this meditation."
"Wow I could feel the love which brought tears I couldn't hold back. I am still vibrating on the inside. Just a beautiful journey. Thank you to all involved."
"Thank you so much in Gratitude for such a powerful Love vibrational meditation. I could sense the presence of the angels, Pleidians, Lemurians and calling in my star family. The vibrations were so beautiful, I could feel it throughout my body, and I couldn't help but cry with being filled with so much love. Thank you, Thank you for such a beautiful experience in higher consciousness."